"The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well"


- Hippocrates

"The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well"


- Hippocrates

The real ancestral diet... that links in personality! biohacking books diet May 26, 2023

I read this book maybe 8 months ago and loved it but I wasn’t ready to change my diet (I am certain that my diet plays a key role in my success so far with natural cancer healing, although I think the biggest player has been healing the emotions that are repressed in my body and initiated...

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Books for a new cancer diagnosis books cancer holistic health Jan 10, 2023
Last week I was chatting to a friend of mine who shared that her sister in law had been diagnosed with colon cancer. When she asked what book I would recommend for her as a cancer coach + thriver I couldn’t choose!

How would I pick one book? not just because I have, at last count, 52...
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