28 Day Renewal


A Clear Pathway To Heal Your Adrenals And Regain Your Energy

A Clear Pathway To Heal Your Adrenals And Regain Your Energy

Learn why your fatigue, symptoms + health complaints are showing up and how they are all related.

Take control by learning lifestyle hacks that will leave you waking up feeling rested and fuelling your body with foods that will support your energy levels.

Finally be rid of the overwhelm about taking action with a step by step plan.

Have a breathwork session and bedtime practice on hand to lean on whenever you need it.

Be more present for friends and family members and most importantly - yourself.


This Course Will Help You:


  1. Wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to tackle your day.
  2. Have glowing skin that is free from rashes and pimples.
  3. Connect with people and socialise with ease because your daily life excites, not depletes you.
  4. Experience easier and regular bowel movements.
  5. Find yourself losing weight easier than before, particularly on your tummy area.
  6. See thicker, fuller and healthier hair when you look in the mirror.
  7. Consider that you might be able to reduce, over time, medications that you've been on for years.

Because Right Now You Are:


  1. Dealing with stubborn weight, or weight gain, even though you are eating less than ever before.
  2. Struggling to exercise or just plain gritting your teeth through your working and seeing fewer results.
  3. Noticing thinning hair, particularly around the hairline, which is leaving you hyper-aware and embarrassed.
  4. Struggling with sleep in general; often waking up 2-4am and then when your alarm goes off you feel totally wiped.
  5. Suddenly on a thyroid medication, with no explanation of why.
  6. Struggling to connect with others like you used to, feeling 'checked out'.



Because Right Now You Are:


  1. Dealing with stubborn weight, or weight gain, even though you are eating less than ever before.
  2. Struggling to exercise or just plain gritting your teeth through your working and seeing fewer results.
  3. Noticing thinning hair, particularly around the hairline, which is leaving you hyper-aware and embarrassed.
  4. Struggling with sleep in general; often waking up 2-4am and then when your alarm goes off you feel totally wiped.
  5. Suddenly on a thyroid medication, with no explanation of why.
  6. Struggling to connect with others like you used to, feeling 'checked out'.

You Know There Is Something Different With Your Energy And Physical Body...


...Yet every health professional you turn to tells you that your test results are normal. They suggest you rest more, but you're struggling to sleep deeply, and you are drinking more coffee than before (or grabbing sugary snacks) to make it through energy slumps.

When you try to talk to colleagues, friends or family, you receive a blank stare because 'you look perfectly healthy'. You've probably stopped talking to others about your lack of energy and changing health because you don't want to be 'dramatic' and deep down, you're worried that this is it for you now.

I am here to tell you that it is NOT you, there likely is an imbalance with your adrenal glands and in turn your whole body. This is called Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome and 4 out of 5 people experience this.

I know exactly what this feels like. I went from being active, healthy and energetic, to suddenly struggling to get through the day without coffee. I watched as psoriasis appeared all over my body, I got cystic acne overnight and was diagnosed with Hashimotos - an autoimmune disease. My hair started to thin and my skin became dehydrated and crepey. I was told repeatedly that there was nothing wrong and I just needed to take a thyroid medication.

I decided to take my health into my own hands and began running functional tests - discovering I has SEVERE adrenal fatigue syndrome, which can bring on a myriad of symptoms. 

I am pleased to say that using my pathway, I steadily healed from AFS and have regained my energy, my hair and skin health, my libido and my zest for life. Working to heal my body not only brought those benefits, but it allowed me to connect who I really am and pursue my passions and hobbies with intensity and confidence.

If I can do this, so can you! 



28 Day Renewal Adrenal Aid

A 14 module, 28 day, self paced online course designed to overhaul your sleep. nourish and heal your adrenals and allow you to reclaim your energy and feeling of purpose.


Create a balanced lifestyle to eat, move and sleep better.

Explore inner emotions and utilise healing modalities to manage stress..

Explore how to support your body with supplements and essential oils.

28 Day Renewal Adrenal Aid

A 14 module, 28 day, self paced online course designed to overhaul your sleep. nourish and heal your adrenals and allow you to reclaim your energy and feeling of purpose.


Plus These Bonuses To Help You

Breathwork with Amelia Travis
Breath is the foundation of life. Breathwork can help release stuck emotions, regulate the nervous system, and shift into relaxed, connected awareness. Breathing consciously also increases energy, clarity and vitality in the body. AmeliaTravis, E-RYT 500 and breathwork facilitator guides three simple breath and somatic practices to support your journey into greater balance and well-being. 
What You’ll Get:
The practice contains a guided breath and simple somatic (body connecting) practices They don't require complex movement, a lot of space, or any special equipment - just your body, breath, and a few minutes of your time. 
  1. 20 minute Calm + Connected: breathwork and for relieving anxiety, fear, overhwelm and inviting restful sleep
  2. Guided video practice and downloadable audio MP3
  3. Spotify playlists for your practices
The Mind/Body connection with Sophie Fraser
Science has proven that with neuroplasticity we can actually rewire our minds, which is why it has the most powerful potential on the planet. Using RTT® to access the subconscious mind, we can create new neural pathways and replace old limiting beliefs and behaviours with new empowering ones. Allowing us to break free of long-held negative habits or to release us from stress, anxiety and depression quickly. 
What we know is that the mind/body connection is powerful. And understanding is power. Once we know how our minds are 'wired' we can take action to change our lives to heal, reach goals and live the life we really deserve.
What you will get:
This presentation will help you understand the mind/body connection, how it affects you and how you can break free.
  1. Understand the connection between what you think and what you feel.
  2. Why we can get stuck in negative cycles & how this affects us.
  3. A powerful technique to press pause & tame the inner critic.
The Mind/Body connection with Sophie Fraser
Science has proven that with neuroplasticity we can actually rewire our minds, which is why it has the most powerful potential on the planet. Using RTT® to access the subconscious mind, we can create new neural pathways and replace old limiting beliefs and behaviours with new empowering ones. Allowing us to break free of long-held negative habits or to release us from stress, anxiety and depression quickly. 
What we know is that the mind/body connection is powerful. And understanding is power. Once we know how our minds are 'wired' we can take action to change our lives to heal, reach goals and live the life we really deserve.
What you will get:
This presentation will help you understand the mind/body connection, how it affects you and how you can break free.
  1. Understand the connection between what you think and what you feel.
  2. Why we can get stuck in negative cycles & how this affects us.
  3. A powerful technique to press pause & tame the inner critic.
Hormones with Adele Wimsett
 Adele is a Women's Health Practitioner & Cyclical Living Expert. Having co-authored the book Essential Feminine Wisdom, she is passionate about educating women & girls on how to harness the power of their cyclical nature. From menarche to menopause, Adele bridges the woo & the science, supporting women to balance their hormones.
What you'll get:
Hormones may feel like the problem but they are merely indicating that something else is out of balance in your body or life that needs to be addressed. Think of the symptoms as your body’s way of trying to communicate to you that it needs some additional support. We know that hormones imbalances do not exist in a vacuum, so it is important to understand your symptoms within the context of your entire endocrine system.
 This session introduces you to:
  1. The hormone hierarchy – beginning to understand how your cortisol regulation affects the other hormones in your body.
  2. The role of our sex hormones beyond ovulation & periods!
  3. That you are cyclical being, different to men who are linear
  4. The four phases of your cycle
EFT with Patsi Campany
Patsi Campany is an energy alchemist who combines Emotional Freedom Technique with Hypnosis and Kundalini Yoga to help others break down energy, and create a completely new, harmonious reality. EFT is an essential part of her toolkit as it works quickly and always gives results. You can change the words Patsi uses so that it can be tailored to any situation, anytime.
What You’ll Get:
  1. An understanding of why EFT/tapping is effective when dealing with stress and overwhelm
  2. A full EFT practice to use whenever you need help calming down
EFT with Patsi Campany
Patsi Campany is an energy alchemist who combines Emotional Freedom Technique with Hypnosis and Kundalini Yoga to help others break down energy, and create a completely new, harmonious reality. EFT is an essential part of her toolkit as it works quickly and always gives results. You can change the words Patsi uses so that it can be tailored to any situation, anytime.
What You’ll Get:
  1. An understanding of why EFT/tapping is effective when dealing with stress and overwhelm
  2. A full EFT practice to use whenever you need help calming down
Kundalini Yoga with Elizabeth
Kundalini Yoga is an uplifting blend of spiritual and physical practices, and incorporates movement, dynamic breathing techniques, meditation, and the chanting of mantras to meet our tue, authentic self. Elizabeth RYT-200 found kundalini yoga at a challenging time in her life and it helped her to understand the root of her postnatal depression. She enjoys sharing these teachings with others.
What you will get:
  1. 75 minute kundalini class that focusses on releasing trapped emotions
  2. a meditation to stimulate our body's own ability to heal from within
  3. Deep relaxation with singing bowls to allow the work to integrate and settle

 A Question For You 


When is it finally going to be time to change the way you feel? When will the overwhelm and the fatigue be too much? How many more symptoms will you need to decide enough is enough?


Decide today.


Put yourself first, finally, 


Adrenal Aid will take you from overwhelm, fatigue and not feeling the best in yourself to a zest for life, an understanding of your body and confidence!

It is a comprehensive, natural protocol that will help and support your healing, no matter how lost or stuck you currently feel.


What My Clients Are Saying

Frequently Asked Questions 

I canโ€™t wait for you to join Adrenal Aid!


I made this course because I had nobody and nowhere to turn after I realised I had Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome.

It is completely possible to heal and reverse AFS, it' just about identifying what's triggering yours, what stage you are in, and then taking small, bespoke steps for your body.ย It is a journey that I can promise you will not regret.

I've blended my training as an Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist, Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Aromatherapist together to create a system that you won't find anywhere else.

Enroll In Adremal Aid
